SSRN is now ranking law schools by, inter alia, the number of papers members of each school's faculty that have been downloaded from SSRN's website. UCLA ranks 5th out of 200 worldwide law schools. We've got 49 authors who have contributed 243 papers to SSRN's database, which have been downloaded 58,021 times as of about 1:20 PM local time today. (You need to register with SSRN to view the rankings, but registration is free and gives you access to all the amenities on this important legal and economics research site.)
I like to think that I have done more than my share to boost UCLA to its present ranking: As of today, I'm the 37th mos t frequently downloaded author in the SSRN data base (out of 47,362 authors in the database) with 47 papers that have been downloaded 20,904 times. (In other words, my papers make up 36% of UCLA's total downloads.
No brag, just fact, as Will Sonnett used to say.