According to Chris Masse's RSS feed (for which I don't know how to provide a permanent archival link):
Judge Alito has lost the support of some moderate Democratic Senators. TradeBetX/TradeSports/InTrade now predicts that he won't get over 60 votes ?though, the exchange stands on its prediction that he'll get at least 51, and that's enough to make the trick.
Update: Don Luskin has this comment: "That means that the Democrats will dare to pull a unanimous blockade, but not dare to filibuster." ...My preferred law blogger: Professor Bainbridge (conservative, but in a smart, open-minded way ?not a neo-con). He'll certainly feed you with updates. {ProfB: My blushes!} ...
[This RSS post is in contravention with David Pennock's fatwa that says that "RSS items does not link off directly to 3rd party sites." I called down the thunder, I should now get ready for the BOOM. The terror is welling inside me. My whole body is shivering...]
[Update: My ideological friend Donald Luskin read me the riot act for not giving readers "a way to archivally link" to this item.]
I concur with Luskin. On both points.