The legs have been cut out from under John Kerry's quixotian attempt to filibuster SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito by no less a figure than Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid:
As I ponder Kerry's return from Switzerland in a bid to appeal to the Kos wing of the Democratic Party, I'm somehow reminded of Robert Burn's Od e to a Haggis:
Let them that o'er his French ragout,
Or hotchpotch fit only for a sow,
Or fricassee that'll make you spew,
And with no wonder;
Look down with sneering scornful view,
On such a dinner.
Poor devil, see him eat his trash,
As feckless as a withered rush,
His spindly legs and good whip-lash,
His little feet
Through floods or over fields to dash,
O how unfit.