Brian Leiter evaluates the comings and goings of faculty at the top 20-odd law schools and concludes that UCLA, along with several others, "probably gained some ground (not just in total numbers, but in quality)." He also predicts that, as a result of the various changes, "UCLA [will] be more squarely top ten" in law and philosophy. Although he doesn't predict it, based on my eyeballing of the data and knowledge of the field, I would predict that UCLA will go from a tie for 11th in law and business to somewhere in the 8-10 range. We've suffered no faculty losses in that area since Leiter's last reputational survey and added Mark Grady (antitrust), Michael H. Schill (real estate), and Sam Thompson (corporate and securities). With UCLA ranked 5th among law schools by SSRN downloads and three of our top 4 most often downloaded faculty being in the business law area (yours truly, Lynn Stout, and Lynn LoPucki), we're making significant progress in this area even against some stuff stiff competition.