Tom Smith (with relevant video):
These creatures sting spiders, paralyze them, carry off the still living bodies, lay an egg on them, which hatches into a larvae, which then eats the paralyzed spider alive, avoiding key body systems so as to make sure it stays alive until the last possible moment. You really have to hope spiders have no awareness, or else that they are reincarnated Nazis or something. As I have said before, Darwin apparently found the existence of God and parasitoid wasps incompatible. An alternative that worries me sometimes is that God did create parasitoid wasps and thinks they're really cool.
It's not clear to me why the existence of parasites poses a novel problem. To the contrary, the questions Tom poses strike me as being wrapped up in the broader problem of theodicy. Indeed, all three of the main monotheistic religions have struggled with the paradox of a good God and an evil world.