Regular readers will recall that I planned to spend the 2010-2011 academic year as a visiting professor at the University of Virginia law school. Well, forget that plan. After talking it over with UCLA law school Dean Mike Schill, I've decided to stay at UCLA. Even though the press would have you believe that the University of California system is going down the tubes, Dean Schill persuaded me that the UCLA law school remains not just sound but is on an upward trajectory. So count this as one man's vote of confidence in the future of UCLAW.
I want to thank Dean Schill and the law school's advisory committee for putting together the proverbial "offer I could not refuse."
I also want to tell the folks at the University of Chicago law school, where Mike Schill will be taking over as dean in January, that they are getting the best law school dean in the world. Frankly, you don't deserve him. If I had my druthers, I'd chain him to his desk here in LA at least until we were both ready to retire.