Did Arianna Huffington just sell out her fellow progressives? ... There are also some indications that she has sold out in the ideological sense and committed the Huffington Post to joining the mainstream media - the evil "MSM" of "HuffPo" blogger ire. Announcing the deal, she and her new boss went out of their way to say that the new Huffington Post would emphasize things other than the liberal politics on which the brand was built.
Is it not obvious by now that Huffington has no permanent principles, other than doing what's best for herself? When it was convenient and popular, she was an ardent GOPer, supporting folks like New Gingrich. But she craved popularity out here in Hollywood, where no conservative can ever be the belle of the ball. So she switched sides so as be embraced by the Hollywood crowd as their "intellectual" voice.
The difference between Huffington and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is thus revealed to be almost nonexistent. They'll all do whatever it takes to pad their bank accounts while extending their 15 minutes of fame.
Candidly, I find it a classic example of liberal gullibility. So many earnest Hollywood lefties took her so seriously. But it was all just the political equivalent of Botox and implants.