Does Delaware Need Another Law School? Answer: No!
Readers of this blog are likely aware that the population of the entire State of Delaware is much less than one million residents, which is smaller than most major cities. Delaware has one law school withing its borders and about 5 more within a short driving distance to nearby Philadelphia and the surrounding area. Yet the University of Delaware has indicated that it is considering the opening of another law school. Perhaps they are not aware of the complaints by law school graduates from schools around the country about how difficult it is for many of them to find jobs that pay enough to service student loans. Are they aware of learned commentary, such as the professorial insights available here and here, about the changing legal profession?
He continues with a detailed case against the idea.
Reasoned argument wasn't enough to stop the asinine University of California, Irvine school of socialism law. Maybe it'll work in Delaware, but I doubt it. Every big university aspires to have a law school for prestige and because law schools can be huge profit centers.
As Francis aptly points out, however, the last thing Delaware--or the country as a whole--needs is another law school churning out graduates into a still dismal job market. We need to be killing off the bottom dwellers, not starting new ones.