There's a lot of law professor angst about law review acceptances/rejections in a
thread over at Prawfs. Been there, done that. Personally, other than that horrendous edit by the folks at Minnesota a couple of years ago, which nearly made me pull the piece, my dealings with law reviews have been angst free lately. I sent out my most recent article to about 10 places that I figured were (a) liable to accept it and (b) where I would be happy to publish. When the first offer came in, I asked them for the lead article slot, which they offered and I accepted their offer with no further fuss. None of that expedite crap, which is so degrading. Of course, the article before that was even easier. I posted a note about it on the blog and got a very good unsolciited offer from a top 30-ish journal, which I accepted on the spot, so I never even had to send that one out. No brag. Just fact.