I've agreed to give a talk at the AALS about corporate personhood and am wondering whether it's worth trying to turn the talk into an article. Candidly, as I look out at the literature, I am reminded of the words of Qoheleth:
All things are wearisome. ...
What was, will be again, what has been done, will be done again, and there is nothing new under the sun!
Take anything which people acclaim as being new: it existed in the centuries preceding us. (Ecclesiastes 1:8-10.)
Some really smart people whose work I like and admire have written on this subject in recent years, but it's kind of like the CSR debates, of which I once observed that “[i]t is just a perennial problem on which each new generation of corporate law scholars feels obliged to put its stamp.”
In any case, I'm quite sure at this point that I don't have any blinding new insight to share. And maybe that's a point worth making.