My friend Lisa Fairfax apparently is Elizabeth Warren's first choice to be an SEC Commissioner:
The Obama administration is considering a law professor favored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) for an open spot on the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to people familiar with the process.
Lisa Fairfax, a professor at George Washington University Law School, was floated by Ms. Warren earlier this summer as part of a list of potential candidates that she and others who back tighter Wall Street oversight offered to fill the Democratic seat on the U.S.’s top securities regulator, these people said. ...
In her academic work, she has focused on how investors choose company directors and boardroom diversity, and she has written a primer on shareholder activism. Earlier this week, she was tapped by SEC Chairman Mary Jo White to fill a vacancy on an advisory panel that makes policy recommendations to the commission on investor concerns.
I've met and corresponded with Lisa many times and am a great admirer of her as a scholar and person. She's super smart and super nice. I think she'd make a great SEC Commissioner, especially because (despite being a Democrat) she's got a solid base of knowledge and common sense.
Some of my friends on the right likely will be inclined to oppose Lisa just because Liz Warren is backing her. If so, however, they'd be making a sense. Lisa's got more common sense and basic decency in her little finger than Warren does in her whole body.
I cannot imagine a Democrat candidate for the SEC I'd feel better about. I hope she makes it.