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My post US Supreme Court’s ‘Salman v. US’ Decision Answers One Insider-Trading Question, Leaves Others Unresolved is now live on the WLF's Legal Pulse blog.
Bainbridge, Stephen M.: The Profit Motive
Stephen M. Bainbridge: Outsourcing the Board: How Board Service Providers Can Improve Corporate Governance
Stephen M. Bainbridge: Limited Liability: A Legal and Economic Analysis
Stephen Bainbridge: The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice
Stephen M. Bainbridge: Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis
Bujold, Lois McMaster: The Assassins of Thasalon (Penric & Desdemona)
Dauphinais, Michael: The Wisdom of the Word
Catton, Bruce: A Stillness at Appomattox (Army of the Potomac, Vol. 3)
Noll, Mark A.: Protestantism: A Very Short Introduction
Bainbridge, Stephen: Mergers and Acquisitions (Concepts and Insights)
Stephen Bainbridge: Insider Trading Law and Policy (Concepts and Insights)
Stephen Bainbridge: Agency, Partnerships & LLCs (Concepts and Insights)
Stephen M. Bainbridge: Corporate Law (Concepts and Insights)
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