As a supplement to the previous post on Florida's decision to adopt the Trulia standard government settlements of M&A litigation, I offer a compilation of prior posts on Trulia:
Will Trulia Drive “Merger Tax” Suits Out Of Delaware?
Anthony Rickey and Keola Whittaker tackle the titular question in a WLF Backgrounder. It concludes: While there are some preliminary indications of a short-term decline in merger litigation, this may not last. Trulia’s influence...
Posted at 05:39 PM in Mergers and Takeovers | Permalink
The effect of the Zillow/Trulia decision
Congratulations to Fordham Law Professor Sean Griffith, whose outstanding crusade against the pernicious wave of disclosure-only settlements is now coming to fruition. As Forbes reports: Plaintiff lawyers were warned last year, and no...
Posted at 02:18 PM in Mergers and Takeovers | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sean Griffith wins while losing on disclosure-only settlements, but will Delaware lose?
Kudos to Sean Griffith for his campaign to object to disclosure-only settlements of mergers and acquisitions litigation, which typically benefit only the lawyers on both sides. Although Sean lost this round, the court's opinion bodes wel...
Posted at 10:20 AM in Mergers and Takeovers | Permalink | Comments (0)
Trulia is working, but imagine if Delaware had kept fee shifting bylaws!
The good news on the litigation front comes from Cornerstone, which reports that: For the first time since 2009, the percentage of M&A deals valued over $100 million and challenged by shareholder litigation dropped below 90 percent in 2...
Posted at 05:02 PM in Corporate Law | Permalink | Comments (0)
Is Trulia really working?
A friend and longtime blog reader sent along this response to the preceding post: I actually disagree that Trulia is working, at least for certain values of working. I think they key number is on page 3: while only 64% of M&A deals ...
Posted at 09:56 AM in Corporate Law | Permalink | Comments (1)
Will non-Delaware courts effectively gut Trulia?
Alison Frankel reports that: There were two big takeaways from a new Cornerstone Research study of shareholder suits challenging big M&A announcements. First, Cornerstone confirmed what other analysts have previously reported: Plainti...
Posted at 10:58 AM in Corporate Law | Permalink | Comments (0)