Oh no. I had the privilege of knowing Harold Demsetz for many years. Few economists had a better grasp of corporate law and governance. His work influenced mine and countless others. Plus, he was a kind and generous friend. https://t.co/cv1oaMJlhc
— Professor Bainbridge (@ProfBainbridge) January 8, 2019
I second that. Harold kindly read a number of my papers and always gave me great comments. https://t.co/Xy1WitcEKO
— Professor Bainbridge (@ProfBainbridge) January 8, 2019
Harold Demsetz was a 24-7 economist. An appreciation by @artcarden https://t.co/GFrtDrPJhz
— Alex Tabarrok (@ATabarrok) January 8, 2019
— Joshua Wright (@ProfWrightGMU) January 8, 2019
Here’s an old blog post of mine making the case for an Alchian, Demsetz and Klein Nobel Prize.https://t.co/qpJ8FFKhJY https://t.co/mRSBlk0zv6