I think we can reasonably debate such things as:
- Is the Supreme Court too powerful in US life?
- Is it hypocritical for the GOP to nominate someone now after blocking Merrick Garland?
- Is it hypocritical for the Democrats to invoke Garland as a precedent for doing nothing now?
- Does the nominee (if there is one) have the proper legal skills and judicial temperament?
But what I will not put up with is the sort of modern Know-Nothingism being spewed over on Twitter and in some corners of the media at the mere possibility that Amy Comey Barrett might be the nominee. It's proving once again that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable prejudice.
This good and decent person is being branded a "Catholic fascist," a harbinger of The Handmaid's Tale becoming real, "the Catholic version of Dolores Umbridge," and even worse. Much worse.
It's not just the left. Ann Coulter moronically asks: ""Would her ... idiosyncratic view of the vast deference Catholics owe the pope on political issues...lead to the ongoing influx of immigrants who overwhelmingly vote for pro-choice candidates?"