The Gospel reading for yesterday was The Parable of the Talents. As a law professor who uses old style narrative law and economics in his work, this passage has always intrigued me. A couple of years ago, I finally got around to subjecting it to a careful reading from legal and economic perspectives:
On its surface, Jesus’ Parable of the Talents is a simple story with four key plot elements: (1) A master is leaving on a long trip and entrusts substantial assets to three servants to manage during his absence. (2) Two of the servants invested the assets profitably, earning substantial returns, but a third servant — frightened of his master’s reputation as a hard taskmaster — put the money away for safekeeping and failed even to earn interest on it. (3) The master returns and demands an accounting from the servants. (4) The two servants who invested wisely were rewarded, but the servant who failed to do so is punished.
Neither the master nor any of the servants make any appeal to legal standards, but it seems improbable that there was no background set of rules against which the story plays out. To the legal mind, the Parable thus raises some interesting questions: What was the relationship between the master and the servant? What were the servants’ duties? How do the likely answers to those questions map to modern relations, such as those of principal and agent? Curiously, however, there are almost no detailed analyses of these questions in Anglo-American legal scholarship.
This project seeks to fill that gap.
Stephen M. Bainbridge, The Parable of the Talents (August 15, 2016). Available at SSRN:
The article was ultimately published in Research Handbook on Fiduciary Law