As I detailed at some length in my article, Revitalizing SEC Rule 14a-8’s Ordinary Business Exclusion: Preventing Shareholder Micromanagement by Proposal, 85 Fordham L. Rev. 705 (2016), the SEC shareholder proposal was never intended to allow shareholders to manage--let alone micro-manage--the corporations in which they invest. Yet, in recent decades, the SEC staff has basically eviscerated those safeguards. Skadden Arps lawyers Marc Gerber and Ryan Adams' review of the 2023 proxy season concludes that that trend continues:
The SEC Staff continues to grant no-action requests in some cases where companies argue that a shareholder proposal relates to ordinary business matters, would result in micromanagement or suffers from a procedural defect, among other things.
Companies were slightly more successful in excluding proposals under the micromanagement prong of the ordinary business exclusion in the 2023 season than in the previous season.